Free vector world map countries mercator | One Stop Map
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Free vector world map countries mercator

Our free vector world map in Oldline style has been drawn in a Mercator projection centered on Europe-Africa. The map is up-to-date and accurate. As with all our maps, when the world changes, this map will change too, so check back regularly to obtain your latest copy.

Below you can see some samples with results that can easily be achieved with this map.
It’s that easy because you get several file formats, everything is layered, objects are separately selectable and every country is named in the layers palette.

Our free vector world map, edited with the colors from our map style Lucid

Our free vector world map, edited with the colors from our map style Lucid.

Our free vector world map in Oldline style has been drawn in a Mercator projection centered on Europe-Africa. The map is up-to-date and accurate. As with all our maps, when the world changes, this map will change too, so check back regularly to obtain your latest copy. Below you can see some samples with results that can easily be achieved with this map. It’s that easy because you get several file formats, everything is layered, objects are separately selectable and every country is named in the layers palette. [caption id="attachment_8150" align="alignleft" width="680"]Our free vector world map, edited with the colors from our map style Lucid Our free vector world map, edited with the colors from our map style Lucid.[/caption]

Attribute One Stop Map and use this map in your projects, even commercially with our Creative Commons License (CC-BY).

Here is an example of how you can attribute this map on your website:

<a href="">Free vector world map countries mercator - by One Stop Map</a>

Our premium maps come with an unlimited license, even for commercial use. Simple and straightforward.

Additional information

Dimension JPEG

20 in (60 cm) wide – 300 dpi

Dimension Vector

18 x 12 in (45 x 30 cm) – scalable to any size you want


Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY)

Map Style


Map Projection



Coastline, Country area, Flag, Lake, Texture, Vignette

Our free vector world map in Oldline style has been drawn in a Mercator projection centered on Europe-Africa. The map is up-to-date and accurate. As with all our maps, when the world changes, this map will change too, so check back regularly to obtain your latest copy.

Below you can see some samples with results that can easily be achieved with this map.
It’s that easy because you get several file formats, everything is layered, objects are separately selectable and every country is named in the layers palette.

Our free vector world map, edited with the colors from our map style Lucid

Our free vector world map, edited with the colors from our map style Lucid.

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